The Gosia

The Gosia

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Gosia and the Sleeping Beauty

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who lived in a golden palace.  Her parents the King and Queen were very proud of their daughter because she was so pretty. 

'What shall we call her?' asked her father.  'We must give her a really special name because she is a really special baby.'

'Let's call her Gosia,' said her mother.  'Because she looks soooo gosialicious!'

So Princess Gosia grew up in the palace and had lots of lovely toys and had a great time.  By the time she was 17, she was a fine strong young woman but she was bored because in the palace there were no boys to play with.  And the truth was, despite her girly looks, Gosia was a bit of a tomboy.

Then one day Gosia read in a fairytale book about a Prince who was lying in a deep enchanted sleep high up in a castle tower in Cornwall.  A wicked witch had cast a spell on him 100 years ago.

Well, of course as soon as Gosia read about the Prince she wanted to rescue him.  So without telling her parents, she jumped on her big white horse and rode to rescue the Prince.

'Great, finally I'll have a boy to play with!' she told herself.  'I wonder if he's got a peen? Gosh, how exciting!'

She rode like the wind to Cornwall but when she got to the beach, her horse - which was called Snoop Dogg - refused to go any further.  He was afraid of the sea because he couldn't swim and also he suspected there might be nasty sharks waiting to attack him.

So Gosia had to get off Snoop Dogg and walk to the castle.  If you look at the picture above, you can see her walking bravely to fight the fierce dragon called Luigi that the wicked witch had left to guard the Prince.  But unfortunately for the wicked witch, as soon as the dragon saw Gosia, he immediately fell in love with her and allowed her to rescue the Prince without further ado.  In fact, he carried Gosia on his back across the water so she wouldn't have to get her feet wet.

So Gosia, Luigi and the Prince all returned to the palace and they all lived happily ever after.  

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

What do Gosias really like?

This week we are going to focus on the urgent question of what do Gosias really like?  Obviously Gosias like pretty, girly things as well as death metal but did you know that Gosias love romantic sunsets?
This photo was taken with a long range lens and perfectly captures the more romantic, cheesy yet still stubbornly independent side of Gosia.  Despite the beauty of the stunning sunset, she refuses to share it with anyone.  She chooses not to be sitting holding hands with some eager, starry eyed young man.  Instead, she sits on the hard, cold rock alone while humming Lithium from Nirvana's Nevermind album.

I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends ...
They're in my head
I'm so pretty, but that's okay, 'cause so you're not ...
You've broken all the mirrors

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

What this site is about

What is this site about? Well it's obviously about Gosia, of course.  However, being Gosia doesn't necessarily mean that it's all golden, glittery and gorgeous.  Gosia can be Gothic as well. Gosia can be ghastly, grim and God knows what else.  But to put everything into perspective, here are some famous Gosia quotes about Gosia uttered by many famous people throughout modern history.

'I have a dream that one day all women will sit down together as Gosias..." Martin Luther King, statesman.

'Imagine all the people, living for Gosia...' John Lennon, singer/song writer

'I did not have sex with that woman'. Bill Clinton, former US president

'No Gosia, no cry...' Bob Marley song